Staying Healthy Amid the Pandemic

With the current state of the world through this global pandemic and the mass hysteria we see across various media outlets, it is easy to lose sight of the basics. While a “stay at home” advisory may force us to a more restrictive lifestyle in an instant, we do not have to sacrifice proper nutrition amongst the mayhem. Even during the worst of the pandemic, grocery stores will remain open and stocked as they are one of the most essential businesses outside of hospitals. Keep this idea in mind as you compile your grocery list! 

Even when shopping less frequently with fewer options available, we can continue to consume nutrient-rich food throughout all the other changes we are facing as a society. When making your grocery list, try to plan out meals for two to three weeks rather than the standard one to two to limit the times you are in and out of your home during a lockdown. This tactic will also be beneficial in limiting potential exposure to COVID-19 overall. Try to avoid stockpiling excessive amounts of food. This tactic would keep you away from fresh foods and steer you more toward items on the shelves, which may contain higher levels of sodium, artificial additives and preservatives that are unhealthy for your body. 

Staying as close to nature as possible is always a good path to take. This can be done by shopping every 2-3 weeks based on the general lifespan of produce, lean meats, poultry, and fresh fish. Although it may feel as though you are waist-deep in survival mode, sticking to healthier options is key. Eating foods that will fuel, sustain and care for your body is more important than ever during these trying times, all thanks to COVID-19.

Focus on the Vitamin-Rich Produce

Purchase fresh fruits and vegetables to last you for a few weeks. Buy a bit more than normal and freeze the excess to avoid them going bad in the fridge if you do not think you will consume them as quickly. A variety of fruits and vegetables are key to ensure you get the vitamins and minerals your body needs while also giving you options for each meal. Frozen fruits (and veggies) can be a great addition to a morning smoothie or an acai bowl. If your grocery store has low stock in fresh fruits and veggies at the moment, aim for the frozen options with no added salts, sugar, or sauces. Steam fresh options are especially easy to pop into your microwave and add to your plate. Green veggies are packed with vitamins and antioxidants that can fight off bad germs. They also keep you fuller for longer. 

Snack Wisely!

While all the extra time at home gives us more freedom to plan (and cook) our meals, don’t take it as additional time to load up on snacks. Yes, snacks are okay and essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle but don’t overdo it. Grazing can become a very quick habit if you allow it to. When snacking, choose healthy options and alternatives. Try to avoid highly processed foods packed with GMOs, sugar, salt, and unknown additives. Instead of snacking on a bag of potato chips, choose unsalted popcorn or roasted chickpeas. Both can be flavored with your favorite seasonings such as garlic or pepper. To satisfy a nagging sweet tooth choose fruits low on the glycemic index such as raspberries, strawberries or blackberries. If you are craving ice cream these berries can be mixed into plain Greek yogurt for a delicious (and healthy) treat. If possible, try and keep unhealthy snacks in the house that you can easily grab at a moment’s notice. If you don’t have it in your cabinet, you can’t eat it.  

Plan Ahead

Planning your meals in advance has some great benefits. Doing this allows you to create the perfect shopping list and removes the guesswork around the famous, “What’s for dinner?” question. Writing down your plans allows your mind (and your cravings) to understand what you are going to eat throughout the day and week ahead. Of course, if you decide on Monday that you’d rather eat Tuesday’s planned dinner you can always swap, but at least have a loose list and plan in mind so that your meals are filled with healthy choices, even when you are craving a less than healthy option.  

We understand the stresses that COVID-19 is causing the world, but controlling what we can, can have a monumental effect on our mental and physical health. Choose healthy meals to guide you through this unprecedented time. 

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