gi tract

Lifestyle Changes for Gut Health in 2023

Lifestyle Changes for Gut Health in 2023

As we start to settle into our habits for 2023, take a look back on your New Year’s resolutions. If you are already disappointed in your progress, maybe it is time to adjust your goals! Resolutions can be harsh and rooted in self-criticism. Instead of thinking about goals that you would like to accomplish in a limited amount of time, try to focus on lifestyle changes that will support you through 2023 and for many years to come! Your gut health is of the utmost importance, as it relates to many other aspects of your overall health. Here are some reasonable lifestyle changes you can adopt that will improve your digestion, and ultimately, your physical wellbeing! 

5 Exercises that Aid in Optimal Digestive Health

5 Exercises that Aid in Optimal Digestive Health

Whether you’re living with a chronic digestive problem or looking to push yourself farther when it comes to maintaining an optimal level of digestive health and functioning, it takes more than just food consumption to get you there. Through active and consistent exercise you can improve your digestive system, aid in overall digestive function, eliminate toxins from your gut and maintain a healthy overall body weight. All of these factors will get you on the road to maintaining a strong sense of optimal digestive health. Exercise, no matter what level you consider yourself to be, is a great way to keep your body healthy, strong, and cared for.

5 Reasons to Visit a GI Specialist

5 Reasons to Visit a GI Specialist

There are various reasons that patients, of all ages, are referred to a gastroenterologist (or GI specialist) for further examination. From frequent heartburn to irregular bowel movements, the cause can be varied from patient to patient. Some visits are aimed at prevention, like colon cancer screenings for those 50 and older. A visit to a GI specialist can feel out of the ordinary for you, but it is the most effective way to diagnose and treat gastrointestinal issues you are dealing with to get you the relief you seek.

Relief Options for GI Pain

Relief Options for GI Pain

Depending on the type of pain you are experiencing, there are various options available to treat GI pain on both a daily and as-needed basis. Just because you may have been diagnosed with a chronic GI condition or experience relenting symptoms from your GI issue doesn’t mean you need to live in pain regularly. Instead, listen to your body and get the advice and treatment you need to live a more fulfilling and pain-free life, in harmony with your GI tract.

Your Guide to Understanding Acid Reflux

Your Guide to Understanding Acid Reflux

Each year, over 3 million people (about 20% of the US population) are affected by acid reflux disease, or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), making it an extremely common gastrointestinal disease that is treatable by a medical professional. Acid reflux is one of the most popular reasons people visit a gastroenterologist. Acid reflux occurs when a burning pain, commonly known as heartburn, occurs in the lower area of the chest cavity.

Physical Activity and GI Health: How to Stay Active and Maintain A Healthy Gut

Physical Activity and GI Health: How to Stay Active and Maintain A Healthy Gut

The weather is getting warmer and the days are getting longer. During the summer months, it is so beneficial to spend time outside and keep your body moving. Activity levels spike during the warmer months because the weather is far more enjoyable and families often have more time together. Sometimes, though, our own physical ailments can get in the way of the active lifestyle we want to live. The good news is that physical activity helps you maintain a healthy gut. By exercising often, you gain more control over regulating your gut and digestive system.

Keeping Your Gut Health on Track During COVID-19

Keeping Your Gut Health on Track During COVID-19

We are living during unprecedented times due to COVID-19. Because of this, our schedules, lifestyle, routines, and health are taking a toll. It is important to be aware of the changes that this pandemic is taking on your health and eating habits so that you can maintain a lifestyle and eating regime suitable for your body and overall well being. Keeping your gut health in check is essential. Gut health has proven links to the overall health of your immune system, mental health, mood, and other physical diseases and disorders such as autoimmune diseases and, even, cancer.

4 Back-To-School Nutrition Tips for College Students

4 Back-To-School Nutrition Tips for College Students

Maintaining a healthy diet will do more than just fuel your body, it will fuel your mind too. Having a balanced digestive system has been linked to mental performance and the gut is being referred to with increasing frequency as “the second brain.” Give yourself an edge on that next exam with 4 easy strategies to eat healthy as you head back to campus this fall: